Monday, 22 October 2012

Intensive Care Unit

Good evening everyone,

Before I go to bed, I need to write down some things of importance.

I don't write this blog just for fun (I do enjoy writing)

I write this blog because I hope that someone out there who needs to know that power of Christ truly IS compelling reads this and desires to know Him even more.

I hope that the same desire that I have to get to know Him better will be transferred to you.

I also hope that you will come to know Christ for yourself, as your personal savior, your one and only, you're everything and most of all the answer to every question you could possibly ever have.

 Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom and all His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you"

Do I want all things to be added unto me? Of course! I'm a human.

I want the nice clothes, and the husband, and the white picket fence and the house in a pleasant neighborhood.

But what about what God wants?

Didn't He make me?

When I meet Him face to face and He asks me what I did with the time He gave to me on this Earth, will I have excuses saying "Oh I didn't have enough time?"

Or will I say "I did my best with the time that you gave me Father. I did my best to reap the harvest, I did my best to plant good seed that would land on fertile soil and I did my best to please you. I did my best to make sure that you and I were still in touch, still connected, still on the RIGHT path.I did my best to run this race with perseverance, I did my best to endure. I did my best to tell people about you as much as I knew about you. I did my best.

Will you accept that today Jesus?

That I did the best that I could to do and complete your will? Otherwise, like I said above, then I have wasted my time.

But today you gave me an interesting revelation.

Following Christ is about redemption.

Time is redemptive in the Spiritual realm.

"If you can do it in the physical then you can do it in the spiritual"- S.B

 Therefore be clock-wise not counter clockwise lol

goodnight and God bless you!

Imposter syndrome

This is for black women: Do you disqualify yourself when you meet a love interest and all your insecurities flare-up? Especially if the inse...