Saturday, 18 August 2012

...and sometimes we fall

Good morning friends!

This is month three (2nd session) of my fitness training and I am down to 188 pounds!!!

Well, I should technically be a bit lower (maybe around 181) but I cheated earlier last month and indulged in some onion rings, fries, breaded fish and desserts at a couple of barbeques and potlucks. Ooops! Not to add I was also getting quite sick of eating canned tuna, bleh!


Let's be honest, changing your outlook on food is a daily grueling process if you are someone that loves all kinds of food and couldn't care less about heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach or diarrhea.

However....I've come to the conclusion that it's TOTALLY worth it.

Changing your eating lifestyle doesn't HAVE to be a diet. Think of it as making a loving choice towards yourself, 'YOU'RE WORTH IT!'

I have yet to learn to cook lean cuisine dishes, but I have tofu in the fridge waiting for me to learn how to use it lol.

If you want to become more daring and adventurous you can start by learning how to cook outside of your cultural comfort zone

I feel great but to be honest everyone but me seems to see and like the physical change. I'm a bit like the man in the mirror that looks at himself earnestly and then forgets what he looks like when he leaves...oops!

Perhaps being a doer of the word is more than just helping the elderly lady at the grocery store carry her bags to the car (one day)

And sometimes 'to eat or not to eat, is the question I face at times.

But here is the thing.

Our bodies are supposed to be temples unto the Lord; you can't bring day old shew bred into the shew bread room, and I'm pretty sure you can't wash your hands in the brazen laver with water from the day before!

Point being: you only get one body, take good care of it!

I'm also learning how important sleep is since now the Lord is asking me to get up earlier than usual lol, God how I love him, otherwise you can be sure I'd stay fast asleep :p

This month I also shamefully discovered that I am an emotional eater.

But it's not the end of my world nor is it a reason to become discouraged and down myself.

My trainer, Soldier Bell, advised that I should channel my emotion and take it out on my body rather than on my system. In other words, go to the gym!

There are ways to make up the lost time in three weeks by cutting out major amounts of sugar, starches and bread but I consulted the Lord and He said "no way jose, let's think that through properly"

The key to looking good during weight loss is to do it in a gradual slow pace to give your body TIME to tighten the loose skin

 so say no to slimfast and all the other short cuts the devil has tried to create to make people lose their way and be discouraged on their path to weight loss.

All the same, the Lord is revealing some very wonderful things about me, who I am to him and even things I don't like and I owe alot of it to Brother Steven Bell because I don't really know how he puts up with my stubbornness and disobedience at times...(if not for the strength of the Lord in him LOL)



-chemical equation for pepto bismal lool

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