Tuesday, 14 February 2017


Dear reader,

Have you ever been cruising through life, the sun was shining, bees🐞 were buzzing and the crisp air made you glad to be alive? And then SUDDENLY, a storm hit you out of nowhere and the nightmare began; your spiritual life got off track,  finances were looking sparse,💰 and even your friends and family couldn't console you. And you contemplated : wouldn't all of this be easier if I were no longer here? Wouldn't that solve all my problems? And just as you were about to jump off the cliff, the Lord threw you a life line at a time that seemed catastrophically late. And you reached for that rope, held on for dear life and allowed him to pull you up until you were on solid ground. And now here you are, in the midst of another storm and somehow, you've managed to forget  how God came through for you last time.  Some of us like to say "won't He do it?" But I would like us to reflect on these questions : 

Why do we think He won't come through for us this time? Why is this time different? Why is it harder to trust and believe this time around? 

He proved himself to us before and so many other times we didn't take note of. .. so why do we think this time will be different? I realize it's a different storm and it looks/feels scarier than the last one, but He promised us that He would never leave us nor forsake us. He won't start now just because this storm is unfamiliar territory to you. He will lead you and guide you through this storm and the next one.  He will either calm the storm or give you peace during the storm. Please try and remember this when you're going through. 

Deut 8:2
"Remember how the LORD your God led you through the wilderness for these forty years, humbling you and testing you to prove your character, and to find out whether or not you would obey his commands."

May the Love of God continually give you strength to stand on solid ground


Sister Emm <3

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