Thursday, 22 November 2012

A Testimony ..Before and After Soldier Bell Fitness

Dear Readers...


With the help of the Lord, I ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING! I reached PART of my fitness goals from last year!

Last year I resolved to reach my fitness goal of 150 (it was calculated that I would probably only be able to reach 160 in the time frame that I was to train with Soldier Bell)

So here I am in 2013 at 160! I have ten more pounds to go! woot woot! And get this: My church is doing a 12-hour fast this about kill two birds with one stone -->Get closer to God AND lose the remainder of my weight??? MY GOD IS GOOD OH!

 Truly He is a good God lool, only He could've orchestrated that or known that I would be struggling to reach that final it's gonna be just as it was in the beginning of this journey, ME AND GOD!

Last year the Lord convicted me. He said your body is the temple where the Holy Spirit dwells and right now this temple needs to be rebuilt. How could I say no to my beloved Father? He truly listened and helped me on my way. He brought all the right friends, support systems and resources, not to mention a whole new wardrobe as incentive LOL

Truly as much as I commend Soldier Bell Fitness in his field of expertise, I have to give an even bigger round of applause to the Lord... for HE was my comforter when I would cry before and after a training session, HE was my cheerleader on the days where I dreaded or struggled to go the gym, HE was my friend who laughed with me when I was so sore the next day I couldn't sit on the toilet properly, HE was my counselor when I would be tempted to binge eat or eat for comfort....

I can say, Jesus was my one and only true friend through this whole experience. He is just an amazing guy and I wish that EVERYONE knew Him like I do LOL! We're still drawing closer and I know that this is just one of the many journeys we are on....I will soon upload videos and pictures of what I eat, my fitness goals/achievements.

So again shoutouts to my homie Jesus for being with me through iiiit alll! The tears, the pain, the confusion, the joy, the sheer discovery of self...

I am truly a new creature, from within!

Je t'aime papa! I couldn't have made it without you xox

To conclude:


I would be dead by now


I would still be shackled in bondage (fear, anxiety, depression, suicide)


I would have no hope for a better future, a better tomorrow


I am thankful that I have a friend in Jesus, for He saw me at my worst, loved me at my worst and carried me through my most painful hour (sadly I can only admit that in retrospect)

Sometimes we think He is nowhere to be seen because the storm is raging and the wind is howling.

I pray today for a heart, mind, soul and spirit of gratitude for all of us today friends. This will allow us to see His goodness even through the darkest hour.

“If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as heck won't be able to see me through it until I get to my best.”- Mbula Enobong (inspired by Marilyn Monroe)

Monday, 22 October 2012

Intensive Care Unit

Good evening everyone,

Before I go to bed, I need to write down some things of importance.

I don't write this blog just for fun (I do enjoy writing)

I write this blog because I hope that someone out there who needs to know that power of Christ truly IS compelling reads this and desires to know Him even more.

I hope that the same desire that I have to get to know Him better will be transferred to you.

I also hope that you will come to know Christ for yourself, as your personal savior, your one and only, you're everything and most of all the answer to every question you could possibly ever have.

 Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom and all His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you"

Do I want all things to be added unto me? Of course! I'm a human.

I want the nice clothes, and the husband, and the white picket fence and the house in a pleasant neighborhood.

But what about what God wants?

Didn't He make me?

When I meet Him face to face and He asks me what I did with the time He gave to me on this Earth, will I have excuses saying "Oh I didn't have enough time?"

Or will I say "I did my best with the time that you gave me Father. I did my best to reap the harvest, I did my best to plant good seed that would land on fertile soil and I did my best to please you. I did my best to make sure that you and I were still in touch, still connected, still on the RIGHT path.I did my best to run this race with perseverance, I did my best to endure. I did my best to tell people about you as much as I knew about you. I did my best.

Will you accept that today Jesus?

That I did the best that I could to do and complete your will? Otherwise, like I said above, then I have wasted my time.

But today you gave me an interesting revelation.

Following Christ is about redemption.

Time is redemptive in the Spiritual realm.

"If you can do it in the physical then you can do it in the spiritual"- S.B

 Therefore be clock-wise not counter clockwise lol

goodnight and God bless you!

Sunday, 30 September 2012

God IS Always In Control

My my my ...


Sorry for the late blog but I really haven't had much time to sit and write all that has been going on.

For one:

I have been given the privilege to work as a Kindergarten teacher at the school located within my church..

This has become my heart beat. I wake up every morning giving glory to God, knowing that I am going where I am supposed to be going and stationed right where I am supposed to be.

A brief testimony: I essentially took a week off from work to go on vacation with the intention of spend some time catching up with the Lord, seeking His face, His will for my life, you know all that lovey-dovey intimate stuff...

Then came a phone call asking if I would like to join the faculty and when the Holy Spirit confirmed that I was to say yes, I found out that the week of training for faculty members was the very same week that I had booked off.

I can think of three scriptures that describe how I feel and what God is taking me through.

 Matthew 7:33 " But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and these things shall be added unto you"

John 4:34: "Then Jesus explained: "My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work."

1 Timothy 1:12 :" thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength to do his work. He considered me trustworthy and appointed me to serve him,"

Knowing all this has helped me to wake up every morning, face the task before me and keep holding for my help that comes from the hills.

Currently is not a good time to discuss all the events taking place at my other job, but let's just say that God is good and He is in control and I'm going to try this whole praising in advance thing, not because of what He's gonna do but because I'm GRATEFUL for WHO He is to me


Man, I am just SOOOOO thankful to God because of who He is. He doesn't have to be soooo good to me, so sweet, so kind, so gentle, so loving, so merciful... but HE IS...BECAUSE THAT'S WHO HE IS... 

Needless to say, I'm falling in love with Jesus all over again.

Today there was a concert even called Rock The River and though I could only stay to see Canton Jones, I love EVERY single minute of it because it just confirmed to me that WHERE THERE ARE TWO OR MORE GATHERED IN MY NAME, THERE AM I IN THE MIDST OF THEM. It didn't matter that it was raining and people were getting soaked and a bit chilly but my God was the presence of the Lord ever there and was it ever a pleasure to be dancing up a storm and vibing all for the glory of God ...YES YOUNG PEOPLE, DON'T FORGET TO BE AND STAY YOUNG UNTIL THE TIME COMES FOR YOU TO GROW UP LOL

En tout les cas...

There is more I would like to write but this will have to do for now,

Thank you to my faithful readers and thank you to my cheerleaders and prayer warriors, I am GRATEFUL for all of you 

Thank you Jesus!

- Ms. Enobong

Saturday, 18 August 2012

...and sometimes we fall

Good morning friends!

This is month three (2nd session) of my fitness training and I am down to 188 pounds!!!

Well, I should technically be a bit lower (maybe around 181) but I cheated earlier last month and indulged in some onion rings, fries, breaded fish and desserts at a couple of barbeques and potlucks. Ooops! Not to add I was also getting quite sick of eating canned tuna, bleh!


Let's be honest, changing your outlook on food is a daily grueling process if you are someone that loves all kinds of food and couldn't care less about heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach or diarrhea.

However....I've come to the conclusion that it's TOTALLY worth it.

Changing your eating lifestyle doesn't HAVE to be a diet. Think of it as making a loving choice towards yourself, 'YOU'RE WORTH IT!'

I have yet to learn to cook lean cuisine dishes, but I have tofu in the fridge waiting for me to learn how to use it lol.

If you want to become more daring and adventurous you can start by learning how to cook outside of your cultural comfort zone

I feel great but to be honest everyone but me seems to see and like the physical change. I'm a bit like the man in the mirror that looks at himself earnestly and then forgets what he looks like when he leaves...oops!

Perhaps being a doer of the word is more than just helping the elderly lady at the grocery store carry her bags to the car (one day)

And sometimes 'to eat or not to eat, is the question I face at times.

But here is the thing.

Our bodies are supposed to be temples unto the Lord; you can't bring day old shew bred into the shew bread room, and I'm pretty sure you can't wash your hands in the brazen laver with water from the day before!

Point being: you only get one body, take good care of it!

I'm also learning how important sleep is since now the Lord is asking me to get up earlier than usual lol, God how I love him, otherwise you can be sure I'd stay fast asleep :p

This month I also shamefully discovered that I am an emotional eater.

But it's not the end of my world nor is it a reason to become discouraged and down myself.

My trainer, Soldier Bell, advised that I should channel my emotion and take it out on my body rather than on my system. In other words, go to the gym!

There are ways to make up the lost time in three weeks by cutting out major amounts of sugar, starches and bread but I consulted the Lord and He said "no way jose, let's think that through properly"

The key to looking good during weight loss is to do it in a gradual slow pace to give your body TIME to tighten the loose skin

 so say no to slimfast and all the other short cuts the devil has tried to create to make people lose their way and be discouraged on their path to weight loss.

All the same, the Lord is revealing some very wonderful things about me, who I am to him and even things I don't like and I owe alot of it to Brother Steven Bell because I don't really know how he puts up with my stubbornness and disobedience at times...(if not for the strength of the Lord in him LOL)



-chemical equation for pepto bismal lool

Sunday, 8 July 2012

20lbs later and still more to go!

Hodi hodi readers! (hodi hodi means knock knock in Swahili)

It's been a month since my journey to weight loss began and I'm already 10lbs lighter than when I was started (I'm being told I look less than that though)

When I started on this 'pescetarian' journey without the fitness regime I was at 220 in March. When I started my fitness training with Soldier Bell Fitness, I was at 210. Now that I'm on a more targeted diet, I've lost the same 10 lbs that I lost in those three months in ONE month.


My trainer cares about his clients, and isn't shy to push you beyond what YOU think your limits are.

Let me just say, if there is anyone out there looking for a personal trainer that truly cares about his clients, you need to check out Soldier Bell Fitness.

If you are between the ages of 18-50, are looking to either build muscle or lose weight, then "Soldier Bell Fitness" personal training is for you!

TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THIS! I am a living testimony of how this program can and WILL change your life for the better.

It's all about creating a better YOU, and helping YOU be on YOUR way to successful eating habits,a healthier lifestyle and a fresh outlook on exercise.

It has been a bit difficult this past month because I was juggling school and work and hence had next to no energy, but God is good and reminded me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement and I shall be posting up before and after pictures when my training is done with; just a heads up, I look quite angry in my before pictures lool

Some of my new friends include: epsom salts, brocolli, water, the treadmill and fruits lol

That's all for now folks... there is so much more I would like to write but I'm absolutely exhausted!

Be blessed in Jesus' name!

-Mbula Enobong


Good evening folks!

Yes it's been a month and I have half an hour to go before I miss my deadline! (Lord please anoint my hands!)

Before I give you and update on what is going on, here are a few tips on how to cook and prepare beans to reduce the amount of flatulence you may produce afterwards:

**sidenote to consider** : If your diet is not consistently filled with fiber, your flatulence may be due to the fact that your stomach is still trying to learn how to digest all the fiber from the beans

Tip no.1: minimize gas from beans by soaking and cooking them well, eating them in combination with 
other foods  like rice, salad, noodles, not eating excessive amounts, and chewing them well, of course, just as your mother always told you!   

-> Soaking loosens the skins and releases the gas causing stuff (sugar)
If you would like a chart of the boiling times for different types of beans let me know and I'll post it!

You're supposed to actually discard the soaking water and use fresh water that has been brought to a boil about three times

-> Don't add salt or baking soda, but you can add any of the following spices: fennel or cumin seeds, a slice of ginger, a bay leaf

Tip 2: breaking down the fiber in the be
ans by mashing or grinding, as in re-fried beans, or Hummus 

Tip 3: Pinto beans, adzuki beans, black-eyed peas, black beans, kidney beans and chickpeas, Indian pulses, such as split mung beans (mung dhal), or red lentils (masoor dhal) are 
all the easiest to digest. Navy beans, green or yellow split peas, brown lentils, are all harder to digest,
and therefore more gaseous and of course...Soybeans are MOST indigestible so in their famous form of tofu is the safest way to ingest them.

Tip 4: Eat about 1/4 to 1/2 cup cooked as the average serving size. 

Tip 5: Combine your beans with whole grains, vegetables, and sometimes a little cheese or yogurt.  One example is burritos with whole-grain tortillas, re-fried beans, shredded cheese and sour cream

Tip 6: Rinse out canned beans before adding it to your main dish


Friday, 8 June 2012

"Losing It With Jesus"

Yes dearest friends.

The Lord has BEEN convicting me for the longest time ever to get my act together, start eating right and exercising on a regular basis.

Old stubborn me said: Why bother? I look good, I can fit into MOST dresses and I stiiiiillll attract attention from men (albeit the wrong kind) soooo why bother to change myself? Isn't the goal to love myself even if I don't like what I see in the mirror?

Note to self: you cannot change what you have not yet accepted as is.

Enter the Holy Spirit: "Your body is on lease to you for a short time, when you give it back to the Lord, what will He see? That you took good care of it or treated it like garbage and filled it with garbage?"

"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." Luke 16:10 (NIV)"

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I have been given this body as a gift and as a the vehicle by which I can do God's work. It is my duty to take care of it, and be good to it and treat it well; after all, this is the temple in which the Lord lives in. If I can not take care of what little it takes to care of my body then how can He entrust me with taking care of other more difficult tasks?


If I am a vessel for the Lord, how can He use me if I'm not willing to do the work required to be just that?
It simply isn't wise for someone in the profession of running around after children to be overweight and lethargic- what message does that send to children?

I prayed and the Lord answered within an hour. A sister from church posted a tweet about her experience with being trained by one of our brothers in Christ.


Fast forward to later on this past week to me signing a 20-session contract for personal training with Steven Bell from Soldier Bell Fitness ( his own business).

 How blessed am I to go to the same church as my personal fitness trainer?  Blessed and highly favored is the correct answer.

Lord, you are so good to me :)

The funniest part is that I had never intended to become a part of Bibleway Ministries (our church) in the first place.

I asked the Lord to place me in whichever church He wanted me to be in where I could serve Him best and that is where He led me....I'm beginning to see why.

So this past week has really been about me getting my diet in order; being conscious of the amount of fruits, veggies, proteins, grains and water I consume throughout the day.

INTERESTING FACT: If you look throughout the Bible, and think of the time that Jesus lived in, He would most likely have been following a "Mediterranean diet" which is mainly fish, grains and veggies

Since I don't eat meat anymore this has been really challenging in terms of finding protein substitutes that I'm not familiar with- beans for one -_-


Apparently there is a way to prepare and cook beans in a way so that they don't give you gas; I will post the details in a later blog.

 To conclude, I'm thankful for the Lord's goodness to me, his patience, and most of all his love for me.

I'm still trying to understand what a daughter really means to a father and He is showing me DAILY what that means and it's healing my heart in places I didn't even know needed healing.

We really do serve a mighty God *amin*

Thank you for your staying on this journey with me fellow readers.

I appreciate it and may God bless you xox

-Mbula Enobong,
daughter of THE King

Saturday, 12 May 2012

A Letter To Myself

Dear friends,

Forgive me for being away for so long but the last two months have been quite life-changing.

To begin with:

I am now back in school to complete my Early Childhood Education diploma (where the Lord wants me next, I have yet to confirm, but I have an inkling that it just might be Carleton University to pursue my Bachelor of Social Work)

This was quite an interesting decision to have to make so abruptly and so soon. I was originally going to complete my diploma starting this spring but in the evening. However, the Lord had something else in mind and wanted me to complete it during the day. Hopefully, this will speed up the process for me to also complete my final placement in a daycare center, hence allowing me to complete and get my E.C.E Diploma

NEWS FLASH: I used to hate having to type up my blog on my laptop because my mouse would always somehow manage to highlight all the wonderful things I had written...and they would automatically delete as I would continue to type the 5th paragraph I was already on. But Hallelujiah, thank you Jesus, I found the lovely little contraption on my laptop that renders your laptop mouse inactive while you type. Whoever invented this, GOD BLESS YOU

Now continuing:


I have been struggling for quite some time with understanding the concept of self-love and self-respect. I now know that all my `self-esteem` issues stem from the lack of a father figure in my household while I grew up into a young girl then later on into a young woman.

Here I am now and I am ready and willing to learn from the Lord.

It started with Him leading me to a website called "The Daily Love" ...and though there are some writers that I would call "hippie", I value some of the points the writers make about loving yourself.

Loving yourself is a continuous art that we must all strive to work at.

Why? Because when you love yourself and are therefore OVERFLOWING with love, it is then easier to do the Lord's work WITH and IN love.

(Hallelujia, thank you Jesus)


I wrote this little love letter to myself after a nasty fight with my mom that actually began the steps to healing and humbling me.

"Dear Mbula darling,

Yes, tonight's fight was the beginning of something beautiful: YOURSELF

I know you're tired of always standing up for yourself against your mother but YOU ARE WORTH THE FIGHT. YOU ARE AMAZING WONDERFULLY AND FEARFULLY MADE.

Trust in the Lord and He will help you humble yourself and honor your mother and father.
There is work to be done. I know there will be days where you don't "feel" like doing it and putting work & energy into your relationship but decide this; YOU WILL NOT GIVE UP ON HER!
She is also worth the fight.
You cannot move out unless it's perfectly setup.
I don't want you to wear a mask on the outside and be ugly behind closed doors.
I don't want you growing up thinking you can't develop meaningful relationships, bonds & conections with your children.
I know you think she doesn't care, but she does, in her own little kamba woman way <3
You can't change her, but you can change the depth & meaningfulnes of your relationship
When the Lord said let the dead bury their dead, it was for you. Show the Lord where you have buried this relationship and ou will see him bring it to life and loosen the bonds!"


Reading all that now...It's actually quite prophetic. I showed where I had buried the hatchet, the axe, the chainsaw, the matches and the knife...and guess what? He turned all those weapons into tools.

My mother and I have some ways to go....but the process has just begun and I know the Lord won't give up on us until the good works that he started in us, is complete.

Today I am thankful for the opportunity to serve such a loyal, faithful and understanding God.


Mother's day is right around the corner and I really don't know what my mom would like except maybe for me to clean this house and cook her a nice meal...I'm thinking of getting her perfume instead LOL #Godhelpme

There's more I would like to write but it will have to wait until another day.

In the meantime,

God bless you all and keep you safe



Wednesday, 28 March 2012

"All About the Kingdom"


What to write, what to write.

Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you"

The Lord called something to my attention today- I'm always making it about ME.



Lord, what can you do for ME today?

Lord, how can you give ME wisdom today?

Lord, when will you bless ME in my day today'?

Lord, can you help MEEEEE with MYYY plans for the future?

Lord, can you help ME lose MY weight?

Lord, can you help ME with MY finances and MY bank account?

Lord, can you help ME with MY hair and MY sense of fashion

Lord, can you help ME with MY boy issues?

Honestly, this one-way selfish conversation could go on for DAYS

The point that the Lord was showing me is that He didn't create me for my own pleasure- He created me for HIS pleasure and HIS alone.

So when I do anything and everything that goes against pleasing Him, things WILL go haywire.

If I do what He is calling me TO DO, He will take care of EVERYTHING else. Job, car, money, boytoy, mom, hair,clothes name it HE WILL TAKE CARE OF IT.


It may not be glamorous, it may not be the high life you were dreaming of, but the 'things' and 'status'  but who you have by you side will decide whether the fame you gain will wither away and you will be easily forgotten or if you will be memorable for generations to come.

Living a life for God is worth more than any status or 5min or fame you will ever get because the reward is...ETERNAL, yes I said it EEEETTTEERRRNAALLLL

Ok folks- so let's get it together, snap out of it, stop sucking our thumbs (as pastor would say) and GET OVER IT.

It's not about YOU.

You can't see the big picture right now, and THAT'S OKAY!


Stop whining about what so and so did to you, how you were beat up in the fifth grade, how your mommy almost killed you.




If you don't know, now you know...and if you still need to know, ask the man upstairs Himself.

That is all...GOOD NIGHT! xo

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

The Morning After

Woke up feeling sick and it went right down to my soul
This was last night`s aftermath, where my friend was the toilet bowl.
I had hugged it nice and tight and spilled out my darkest secrets.
And after I was done, it was enough to give you jeepers creepers
Just to see the mess I made and the bed in which I had laid.
This is the story of a girl,
who didn't cry a river and drown the whole world with tears,
But instead she silenced it with her fears.

Then came a hero, in a white and shining armor.
He filled her with joy and promised never to harm her.
You can tell from her smile that she's come quite far
And if you compared His love with others you will see they are all sub-par
Jesus Christ is Lord,
Need I say more?

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Patience during\after prayer

Dearest friends,

I've been mulling over this concept for awhile and I think it's something the Lord would like me to share with you.

I work at a dispatch call center and in essence we deal with clients that need us to either turn up or turn down the heat, fix a toilet, mop an area, fix a door, change light bulbs...the list goes on.


This job can get pretty mundane and routine if you don't find a way to keep yourself busy or sane ( reading, sudoku, crosswords,) but overall, it's a great opportunity to learn how to multitask.


Some calls\complaints MAINLY come from either one specific building, and if it's one specific building, there's usually a regular client that is calling to complain.

Here's what I've learned about how this co-relates with prayer:

When you ask the Lord for something, He's already working on it!

The Bible says that He already knows what you have need of! So it doesn't discredit your prayer or your request.

However, I noticed some clients will make a request and 15 minutes later, call in again to ask why the work hasn't been done yet.

Mind you in the span of that 15 minutes, we have either probably spoken to the technician/cleaner/building manager about the issue and SOMEONE IS ON THEIR WAY.


In the same way, please know that after you have prayed, HELP IS ON THE WAY.

Now, it doesn't mean go ahead and try and fix the problem by yourself while waiting * I do this alot *

Or that you should stop praying about it if you don't see results right away.

KEEP Praying Until Something Happens


Honestly, waiting is the best time to be praising and worshiping Him for answering your prayer(s)

So make the best of it!

That is all


Adventures In Trusting God (PART II)

So we check into our hotel, pack away our clothes and just relax in our hotel suite. Did we mention that it had a kitchenette, dining room, cutlery, cooking and dining utensils.


Oh yeah...

We forgot to mention how we got to our hotel... cab.


at the Greyhound station in Rochester?


at the Greyhound station in Buffalo...


At the US Customs border?

Oh yeah that.

As Mbula was flirting up a storm with Officer M and I was sending up prayers, another officer stepped into the picture and looked over Officer M's shoulder as he reviewed, inspected, double checked and scanned our passports.



I was sure he was going to say something at that moment. I was literally watching his lips.
Why he only chose to say "So Mbula, how long will you be in New York for?"  we will never know.
He didn't even ask for the plethora of documents that I had stashed and prepared for this exact moment.
I was ready to prove my citizenship, birth certificate, place of residence, place of education, bills with current and former address... A WHOLE PORTFOLIO OF PREPARATION... AND NONE OF IT WAS NEEDED.

*claps hands*


--) Before we continue we just need to take a moment and thank Jesus

Thank you:

For laying it in Jessica's spirit the desire to be in your presence this weekend
For allowing all of the arrangements to be financially possible
For showing us how to trust in you
For showing us the key to doing your perfect will
For allowing us to be free in the spirit
For allowing us to be in your presence
For helping us to step into a new year with a new understanding and appreciation for the intimacy we now have with you.
For bring us onto a NEXT a level
For teaching us that prayer and praise WORKS
For showing us that you will always make a way for those whose hearts are set apart for you.

Fast forward to getting back on the bus, our 2hr wait in Buffalo (Uhm never again), to our arrival in Rochester.

Can we just talk about how COLD IT WAS? RAWTID...

And on top of that, a certain conductor of the Greyhound bus (Buffalo to Rochester) by the name of JAMES, approached our cab window (Mbula's side to be exact), who then proceeded to POUND his fist against the cab window. As the window rolled down and Mr. James introduced himself 
And I quote:

Him: Hi, I'm James. What's your name (as he looked in and stared at me expectantly and creepily)
Me: Jessica
Him to Mbula: Give this to her. This is my number. Call me anytime.

Mbula's thinking: when the RASSS did I become Jessica's personal secretary to be takin' mens numbers that are chopping her ?

So we're in the cabbie spelling our hotel address (a good 4 mins) for our INCOHERENT cab driver. Lets just say our efforts to understand each other was all in vain, as he turned off the GPS claiming to know EXACTLY where he's going...*Biggest sigh ever*

He knows where he's going another city! Henrietta to be exact.....We end up in the outskirts of Rochester @ 4:40am! After our slight indifferences with our cab driver and outbursts of frustration, we arrive at our Greece! (about 20 mins from Downtown Rochester).

The hotel looked interesting as it was kinda in the middle of nowhere but had all the luxury anyone could want including kitchenette, dining room, cutlery, cooking and dining utensils as we mentionned above..

How about we tell you, we woke up BRIGHHHHT and perky @ 10:30am...only to find out we had missed the 1st service of the day! LAWDDDDD...

We're in Greece! Lets..............................UHMMM........ What DO people do out here...?

Mbula indecisively shifts her focus on getting her hair done to getting our nails done.....NONE OF WHICH HAPPENED...SHAME!

All in the same, we decide to get some food....sleep....and wake up in time for our service at 6:30pm.

Let me tell you from NOW.....Greece does not have a Pizza Pizza, Popeyes does not deliver and Chinese food is questionable....(As always)...But aye....Pizza Hut is familiar to us Canadians so we order our presumably delicious large vegetarian pizza, cheese sticks and soda.

 Tell me why this so called large vegetarian pizza, from the looks of it, turns out to be LAST NIGHT`S pizza, just reheated. The crust, cheese, tomatoes and greens all looked DRY!!

Clearly Jessie's stomach was not 'down' with that and decided to tell Jessica what was 'up'  - true story


Fast forward to AFTER the service where Jessie was able to link up with our friend R.C (who 'happened' to be staying at the hotel across from where the service was being held) and spend time in fellowship



Then our 'designated' cabbie, came and picked us up from the hotel and drove us home.


Our cabby was a very interesting character. On our first ride for the evening service, he drove us through some  boricuan gueto (puerto-rican ghetto neighborhood)  Honestly it was just awkward. He said he would give us a tour, not the opportunity to put our lives in danger yeesh!

 And as we conversed with him he kept mentioning how when he visited Toronto he liked to visit the show girls and the strip clubs.
.... I'm sorry, were we supposed to say to him: yeah next time you visit we'll tag along and even show you a couple of our spots?

Then apparently when we went to withdrawl money, he asked Jess if we were lovers :| Really though?

 Then after Saturday night's service when he came and picked us up from the hotel (mind you it was almost 2am), he asked us if we had been in the room with somebody :o  I thinking: grandpa,you don't know me like that! If you think we're the kind of Christian girls that just 'act' Christian but are REALLY down low then you got another think comin!

Fast forward to Sunday morning service where we came in a bit late for worship but still caught the word. The message was calling us to chose who we would serve- God or the world.

After service we went to a grill restaurant ( I forget the name but they were PACKED) So we ordered the food to go.

I ordered a fish platter and Jess got some goooood chicken.

Sunday was my turn to have a churning belly that was disagreeing with the food.

Fast forward to us just sitting on our hotel bed, reminiscing and thanking the Lord for such a wonderful laid out experience




Then we decided we would catch the midnight greyhound so we could well be back in Toronto by Monday afternoon and perhaps even on our way to Ottawa.

And indeed it was so.

I'm sorry if I've cut out so much of our experience in Rochester but needless to say, WE SERVE A GREAT BIG GOD THAT DOES NOT HAVE THE WORD IMPOSSIBLE IN HIS DICTIONARY OR VOCABULARY.

We learned that the key to getting in God's will for your life is to TRUST Him in all things and at all times.

proverbs 3:5-6

He taught us that as long as we keep praying, praising and steadfastly focusing on Him, He will do the rest.

He taught us that if He brings us to it, He will bring us through it.

The key to this whole weekend was that in our heart of hearts, he KNEW and SAW that we were seeking nothing but to be in His presence, not to receive some kind of blessing or healing, no JUST to be SOAKED in His presence was all we asked, and He honored it and went above and beyond to make our wildest dream come true.

Trust in Him my friends, whether it's a minute detail or the goriest most horrific thing that could happen to you in your life.

Let's leave it at daddy's feet and say " Honestly, I donno what to do about this" or " I can't seem to get up when I fall over this block"

No daddy can ever compare to this ONE. So take his hand, it's always outstretched, ready and willing to help you get up onto your feet.

He is so good.

We love you daddy Jesus xo <3

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Ladies and gents,

Sorry for the delay for Part II, but we figure the climax build-up is totally worth it for you guys :)

In the meantime, I would like to testify and briefly say "Thank You Jesus"

Anyone who knew me last year at my worst knows that I ended up being hospitalized after
an anxiety attack\mental breakdown.

Not only was there a change happening physically, but spiritually, there was a spirit that was seeing it's way out of my life.

I could go on and give your the gritty details, but we shall leave that for a coffee date.

For now,

I just want to thank the Lord. Since my breakdown, it has been an uphill battle of crucifying flesh, letting go of people and letting go of old ways and STILL there is more to do as I grow in him and He grows in me.
I want to thank Him for giving me :

->Mental clarity, focus and awareness.
->peace that surpasses all understanding

but most of all...


I am daily learning this, daily getting deeper...and I'm just honored that He would even consider me a candidate to work with Him to complete His work\plans.

He is good.

He is loving.

He is kind

and get this...


So ladies and gents,

let me leave you with this:

Don't give up! I know the storm is raging outside and you can't even look up to cry out to the heavens or even complete your prayer because you're so lost in what's going on but I've got something to tell you.



So, be still, and know that He is God and HE is in control.

On the real though, aren't you glad that it's someone like HIM that's in control and not someone like Lucifer?

I thank GOD! LOL

Good night and God bless you all xo

-Mbula Enobong

Friday, 2 March 2012

Adventures In Trusting God (PART I) by Mbula and Jessica

If you had asked either one of us what we had planned for the weekend of Febuary 17th to the 19th, we probably would've said :  " I donno, church?" OR "Uhmm going shopping?"


the good Lord had something else up His sleeves.
Jessica says:
I pretty much woke up with a feeling and a need to be at Winterfest 2012. Mind you, I had offers to attend Winterfest all paid for, but declined because the interest wasn't there...Until of course, the day of the event...*Sigh*
SIDENOTE: For those of you who do not know what this is, it is a Christian Youth Convention held annually in Rochester, NY.

I then updated my bbm to see who was up for the last minute trip.

Mbula says:
After battling dramatically with whether or not I should go to work, I decided to call in sick and sleep it off.
Upon awaking, I noticed Ms.SimplyGorjess's bbm status and inquired as to what Winterfest was about.

and I quote...........

Jessica: Lets go to Rochester for Winterfest...
Mbula: Who would I be to say no? Running away once again (I have a tendancy to run to her house in Toronto when ottawack is toooo maacchhh)

After describing to me what Winterfest was about, I was hooked and immediately set about to search for rideshares from Ottawa to Rochester.

TRUESTORY: I'm typing in the kijiji search bar rideshare from Ottawa to Rochester and Rochester NEWYORK...pops up

UHMMMM BUT WAAAAAIIIIIIIIITTT!!!! This whoooolle time I thought Rochester was somewhere in the Glebe of Ottawa or even T.DOT OH!!

Too late I've already said I'm down...Jess is already hyping up....

and I quote

Mbula: As in Rochester NY?
Jessica: Yes hun... *DRAMATIC PAUSE* also I just realized my passport has expired...


She mentioned she had previously traveled with her expired passport already so we thought, why not leave this in the hands of God.

If this is His will (as was Jessica's bbm status) then He would make a way.

In the meantime, we were just gonna keep truckin' along like nothing was a problem.

We immediately jumped into action ...
(12:52pm) we got to praisin, prayin and fasting. LITERALLY DID NOT EAT
(12:57pm) Calling Tennesse to do a last minute registration with the ticket office
(1:15pm) (Jessica) frantically searching for my passport
(1:30pm) Booking a beautifully affordable hotel room
(AN EXTENSIVE AMOUNT OF TIME) Securing a rideshare in the quickest time frame (3pm) from Ottawa to Toronto to make it to the 8pm greyhound Rochester bus, we can say the HAND AND FACE of God was truly guiding and working on behalf of us each and every single step of the way.

Did I mention that the driver of the rideshare was even able to make a connection with Jessica's mom so that she could send a copy of Jessica's birth certificate back to Toronto with me ? We figured she would need all the documents possible to plead her case with the customs officer.... She even tried to leave her name with the customs agent so they would know she had already tried to resolve the problem.
PS: I live on the opposite end of where Jessica's mother lives and the rideshare was able to make the connection with her mom in South Keys(which was not out of his way) and come back and get me in Barrhaven (which was also not out of his way)

The ETA of the rideshare was 8:15pm.... and actually I got there at 7:30pm and jumped into a cab that was already waiting for me *(PRINCESS MOMENT)* and cabbed to Jess's (who already had her suitcase packed and ready...(Jess) Mbula doesn't know this, but I was actually JUST getting out of the shower...Barely packed and ready..shhh!)

Our cabbie offered us a flatrate to the greyhound station and on the highway on our way there...we noticed a Church bus from a Church we recognize (we will not mention flop out names here) and we flurried about on our bbms questioning and demanding why the raaaaaaaaassssssss no one told us there was a bus going the same direction as us.

To our dismay, it was a false alarm and we stuck to our original plan.

Upon arriving at greyhound, 

Jess and I separated : her to get the tickets, me to get in line.                                                             

the line: ------------------------------------------------_________________-----------------------l

Sigh, if you're good at math and are able to transfigurate the length of this line on the screen into real-life measurements, you would cringe at the length of the line, FOR NEW YORK ALONE.

#no sweat

Pray and praise

As we neared to boarding the bus, darling Jessica QUIVERED at the idea of the conductor who was verifying travel documents; PASSPORTS BEING ONE.
Interestingly enough, when two spots were open for boarding on the last bus, we were chosen because the people who were supposed to board next, were a group of four.

AND EVEN MORE INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH: The conductor NEVER checked our travel documents.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

Poor girl...I think she may have panicked, had an anxiety, maybe peed a little but by the grace of God she was thankful above all to have crossed that ordain.


If you would like to compare nerve-wracking experiences, please direct your comments to me Jessica.

I was literally in shambles as we pulled over and just SAT and WAITED for the bus ahead of us to finish being processed.

Mbula wishes she had taken a picture.... I WENT FROM BEING ASLEEP TO BEING WIDE AWAKE AND WORRIED ....BAHAHAHA (dying of laughter as we write this)

Mbula says:
STOP!! STOP IT!! STOP IT NOW!! (in the most loving way) 
The Lord did NOT bring us this far just for us to be turned back arong (jamaican accent)


ENTER OFFICER M. (name has been shortened for confidential purposes)

Okay, I won't lie...white boy was foiiiiiiiine!

...Blue eyes, wiry but FIRM frame, and just an absolutely exhuberant and witty character about him.

We thought we could charm him into overlooking the passport "discrepancy".....


READ PART II to find out what happens next.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Dear Single Ladies Who Have Already Had Sex...

As of a month ago, it's been a year since I stopped having sex (Hallelujiah thank you Jesus)

I know some of you out there are virgins (and praise the good Lord for it, hold it down soldier!) and some of you aren't, so if you're uncomfortable reading, please go ahead and close the screen.

If you ask me today whether or not I regret starting to have sex at a young age I will say no because the experience I have gained and the lessons I have learned will not only put me in a position to help others whose spirits are grieving but most importantly for the glory of God.

I write this to you because I know what it's like to have angry sex
...I know what it's like to give a part of yourself that you think is ALL of yourself and ALL of your love only for it to be thrown back in your face
... Baby-girl I  know what it's like to LIVE for the high that comes with the knowledge and power you have over a man just by dangling the IDEA of you in his bed.
... I know what it's like to have sex with someone because you want what you THINK is his love and THEIR way of showing you love.

...but most of all, I know what it's like to be so caught up in sex, lust , passion and desire, that you forget who you really are and why you're really hurting in the first place.

I know it all because I was once that girl...

That girl that thought she was a bad b**** because she graded her value or her desirability based on how many guys were blowin' up her phone or how many guys she was dramatizing over.

I've been there in the heat of the moment, enjoying sexual pleasure only to discover that the aftermath SUCKED.


Simply because it was not with the right person.

My darling...

Please wait for the right person.

When I say the right person, I don't mean that yeah he's hot ,he's got good jeans (genes), he's got talent, got smarts and is old enough...

I say it has to be the right person because only God knows who that right person is FOR YOU and only God can bring that person into your life to help fulfill your most intimate and sexual desires.

The reason why only God can do it is because he knows that if sex is not being SHARED properly, someone is either getting used or getting hurt.

When sex is in marriage, the love between the couple has already grown and there is no room for selfishness.

It has  literally taken me a year of consecration,and intermittent seasons of fasting to spiritually break up and break off the guys from my past- whether we have had sexual relations or had foreplay. Either way, the Lord showed me how they affected me spiritually.

 When someone else's spirit affects you, it also affects everything else in your life; your mental state, emotional state and physical state. 

If you chose to, monitor the aftermath next time you have sex with someone out of marriage.  If they're angry or going through drama in their life, see how quickly you get caught up in the whirlwind or how quickly THEIR problems become yours or how all of a sudden YOUR problems become too big to handle along with his...just watch and see, it's no joke.

All the same, thanks be to the Lord God, the Alpha and the Omega, the one who knows me and understands me best, but most of all, my merciful and patient savior Jesus, because DAILY He is teaching me how to crucify my flesh with Him on the cross and hold on for better days

So as Sister Grant said : Everything is under the blood and if he's (spouse) still got a problem with my past then I need to move on.

I am imperfect in my sin and so is my future husband. Henceforth, only a perfect God can bring two imperfect people together.

And the only time God approves of two imperfect people coming together is through marriage.

Even if you don't believe in marriage or believe in God, or believe in waiting for marriage before having sex,
I suggest all the same taking your time to really get to know the guy first, even if it takes you five years before you REALLY trust him and are comfortable with him.

Because a man who respects you and cares about your spiritual, emotional, physical and psychological well-being will even wait until the last day of his dying breath to get nookie. 


And marriage,as a commitment, is a covenant before God that only intensifies and strengthens the love you already have and share. 

Real love goes beyond sex and touchy feely and kissy kissy. How do you think married couples in their 80's
do it once the viagra no longer works?

Tip of The Ice Berg (Part III )

Let me end with this:
1 Corinthians 6:18 calls us to:
"Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body"

Therefore, whether it is lust, fantasizing, masturbation or fornication: sin crouches at the door, beginning with just a thought.

So before you run along with the thought, take a second and breathe. Jesus faced temptation, and battled tempation with scripture; you can too. Infact, you NEED to if you're really serious about winning this battle over fleshly desires.

You CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens you. He lives in YOU after all and

2 Corinthians 12:9 says:

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness

How will you know that you are ready for LOVE?

Love cannot possibly come from lust since we have already established lust is selfish.

Love is Christ showed us.

1 Corinthians 13:4

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud


--> When you would do anything for that person (including laying down your life as Christ did for us), you know you're ready

--> When you're willing to be patient with their antics or immaturity or kind enough to show them compassion or sympathy regardless of them hurting you, you know you're ready.

--> When you see them with someone else and the first thing you do is compliment them on a good choice, you know you're ready. #killjealousy

--> When you have gone beyond lusting,fantasizing over the best case scenarios with a person and you allow yourself to just be in the moment with that person.

You will know because it will not matter whether they are with you, or around you, or whether you will never see them again.

    Be content with where you are in your relationship with that person and take note of what it has taken for you to get to that point (hint: being yourself)

Most importantly; trust in God.

HE is the ORIGINAL and TRUEST author of love-stories.

And once you are content and submissive to the will of God, whether it works out for you or not, room for true love to blossom and grow between the both of you (or who God has in store for you) will be created.

Tip of The Ice Berg (Part II)

Let's be real.

We all battle with lust.

We see a particularly good looking creation of God and we go BEYOND appreciating what the Lord has created and we get greedy, lustful and desiring of that person's affection\attention (with no intention of giving anything back)

[The dictionary's definition of lust is "1) intense or unrestrained sexual craving, or 2) an overwhelming desire or craving] -

Matthew 5:28 goes to say: "But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust in his eye has already committed adultery with her in his heart"

So let me clarify.

There is NOTHING wrong with getting butterflies in your stomach when you see someone that is pleasing to your eye (or being in their company)

Where the Bible condemns us is what we DO with these feelings of attraction or what I like to call appreciation of God's creation....

You see, lust has only one thing in mind- self-satisfaction.

Christ has NEVER been about self-satisfaction but rather the act of being completely and utterly selfless.

...and from lust, we move to fantasy and from fantasy we move to crossing boundaries and before you know it ..." Girl, you'll never guess what happened last night" 


--> PRAY (call out to Jesus everytime a lustful or fantastical thought comes through #truestory)

--> FAST



--> Be FRIENDS first!

--> Cut out the pet names! Friends don't call each other baby, boo, HUSBAND, mami or papi!

-->If you're having a late night talk, make it a point to discuss everything BUT how you "feel" about each other (girls I know this sounds hard)

--> The flirtatious texting needs to stop! If he is your friend, be a lady and do not lead a brother on or send him mixed signals- you wait for HIM to send the signal and then you can send one back.

--> Get to know him in a GROUP setting. You will see that maybe he ain't all that you cracked him up to be, whether or not he's built like an Adonis.


Tip Of The Ice Berg (Part I)



Today I feel the need to address this subject because it's an issue that seems to plague us all whether or not we are Christian or non-Christian, believers or non-believers, virgins or non-virgins.

Most importantly, I want you all to know that just because I have the Holy Ghost living in me or that I follow Christ and am committed to following His cause, does not mean I don`t have an ugly past or that I do not struggle with afflictions.

In my observations, it is a topic that is subliminally spoken throughout the day with our co-workers, loved ones and yes even those we consider "holier than thou"

So God help me, I'mma lay down my observations, comments and queries:


Please, do not go down this lane.---> FANTASIZING. When you start to fantasize and dream about what a guy would be like if he touched you or kissed you, not only do you ruin the reality of it ever happening and killing how magical it would be IF and WHEN it did happen, you are also building up an expecation of him that he will most likely fail (he is not in your head)


--> When having a conversation with a guy that you like or are interested in... and whether or not he is saved ladies, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT discuss YOUR sexuality, YOUR preferences, YOUR fantasies, YOUR sexual history with him or around him UNLESS it's a conversation between the two of you and you are about to cross that threshold and HE is also sharing HIS sexuality and HIS preferences and HIS fantasies and HIS sexual history.


**Johnny: "When I hear a girl, whether I'm into her or not, tell me about her sexual preferences or talk about sexuality at all, I'm making small mental notes JUST incase in the future anything goes down"

Ladies, do NOT give men like Johnny and the like, have this power over you.

Once they know what turns you on, or what you like, at any chance they see your guard down they WILL pounce. It is called testosterone #truestory

That is why THEY chase and YOU'RE the one that's supposed to stay BEING chased.

I'm going to stop here and gather my thoughts for part two...

Please comment below and let me know of your questions\opinions.

**Names have been changed to protect the individual

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Honor Thy Mother and Father...

Sorry for the late post folks but...

I had written and re-written and nothing seemed to be coming from the heart until I finally wrote out what I was afraid to write...

And it goes a lil something like this:

Ephesians 6:12 
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Today's wrestle started in the morning with my mother and whatever spirit seems to be...for lack of better word...controlling her or occupying her.

In the past, when I have stood up to her in terms of my belief in Jesus Christ, she has literally (verbally) beaten me down because she is also well-versed and Biblically knowledgeable.

But today the Lord showed me that in the past I was so weak and not able to stand up to what she (or the spirit behind it) was saying because I lacked the Holy Ghost living, thriving and growing in me! 

The Holy Ghost is not only empowering but is actually and fully 100% doing the work of the Lord IN you and THROUGH you. 
 -> Can't get that kind of knowledge, assurance and feeling anywhere else in the world;guaranteed.

...all this to say that regardless of the fact that I love my momma, and that although we fight at times over THE most ridiculous things, I still have to do what the Lord says in his commandment: "Honor thy mother and father"- it doesn't matter whether she is a believer or not. 

This commandment has been one of the hardest to follow lately and at first I kinda just did it my own way but that sure as h e double hockey sticks was not working at all so the Lord gave me an idea- "Why don't you just ask me to SHOW you how to follow this commandment and put it into action?"

 So I did and I can't even begin to explain how humbling this experience has been.

Learning to hold back my tongue, take her advice with a grain of salt, hear where she's coming from, learning to be selfless, learning to be considerate, learning to be patient, not roll my eyes and sigh and give attitude, not scream and yell and shout and bang doors? 

If I continue to be stubborn and continue on the same path of my disobedience it will really only cause misery in my life, sooooo why bother? 

Why bother holding on to grudges and past pains and past she saids?

That's why I say,


CHEERS(thank you Lord) to Godly-directed change in my household.

CHEERS to inviting the Lord into my home and heart and having Him come and live and stay and dine with us and sleep among us.

CHEERS to allowing the Lord to work in my heart through my mother and working my mother through me.

CHEERS to the Lord hearing our cries.

CHEERS to MORE love, MORE life, and MORE laughter in this home

Thanks be to God for blessing me with such an amazingly, beautiful, intelligent and graceful mother..

but most of all..

CHEEEERRRSSS (God bless you) to Single MOTHERS everywhere.

 I don't know how you do it but I know the Lord is a good and faithful Father and can be counted on in the worst of situations


Thank you all for reading and I appreciate any and all of your comments.

Cheers and God bless you all

-Lady Em and Queen Tanishya

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Fear Not...

Good morning friends,

I pray that this past week the Lord opened up your eyes to His presence in your life, but also opening up your eyes to His will and His plan for your life. I say this because I am seeing evidence of it DAILY in my walk of faith (and this is just the beginning)

These past few weekends have been a complete blessing. The weekend before last I was at a women's prayer summit that truly encouraged me and blessed me with tips on how to better exercise my walk with God and my faith in Him.

I had heard people say this walk takes commitment but I hadn't taken it the step further that was required- spending intimate time in HIS presence, ALONE.

Matthew 6:6 "But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you."

I sometimes do a prayer shopping list of what I want (boyfriend, better finances, good grades, better weather) and there is nothing wrong with that because the Bible says:

John 16:24 "Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete"

But what about what God wants? If Jesus is our everything (father, friend, LOVER...) then how can we continue to treat Him like this is a one way street? 

How can I serve you today Lord? I may be afraid of what you ask me to do but Lord, YOU are my strength and I can do all things through YOU because YOU strengthen me. 

This thing of fear needs to be killed. What I love about God is that He knows we have questions and fear of the unknown, so if we trust in Him alone, He says:
 Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope

 and goes on to say: 

Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand"

From this day forward, let us ingrain these promises into our hearts and minds so that when fear of the unknown comes up, we can just battle these thoughts with these verses!

Thank you for reading my blog. I look forward to hearing your feedback.

God bless you

-Queen Tanishya (a.k.a Mbula Enobong) 

Imposter syndrome

This is for black women: Do you disqualify yourself when you meet a love interest and all your insecurities flare-up? Especially if the inse...